Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Riddles of the Universe

We all know the problem with socks and the dryer. In they go . . . where they come out nobody knows. There's a lot of speculation about the sock heaven in the sky or maybe it's sock hell . . .  I think that's where I am right now.

Most of you already know (and have been very generous supporters) that I have done a lot of long distance walks for charitable causes - three 60 mile walks for breast cancer and (years ago) a 120 mile walk for Habitat. In all those walks, I tried all kinds of shoes - walking shoes, running shoes, off-trail shoes and walking sandals. The walking sandals were my favorite because any and all closed shoes created blisters after the first 6 or 7 miles. Walking sandals were awesome - not one blister. AND, capitalized for emphasis, AND, in all those miles, not one hole in any sock. In fact, I don't ever remember having a hole in any sock that I have ever owned. Granted, I'm not big on wearing socks period. But, even I have to admit that long distance walking is better with some kind of sock. 

So here's the Riddle of the Universe for solving. Since we have been in Terlingua, every pair of socks that I have worn, for long or short distances, has developed a hole . . . and yesterday's pair ended up with two on each foot, huge giant holes around my toes.

So what does this mean? Is the Universe out of whack? Has that giant sock black hole opened up and swallowed us up?  You tell me.

Morning visitors

1 comment:

  1. I just realized that I have one pair that has actually held up - my nephew Mike C gave them to me and they have wool in them but are lightweight. No holes so far! Thanks, Mike, excellent choice.
